Healthy Lifestyles
Gilgandra Preschool is strictly a nut free service and water only.
Gilgandra Preschool have an appointed Wellbeing Officer who oversees different components of the curriculum to ensure that children are provided with a range of opportunities to benefit their overall health outcomes.
Physical Activity
We provide a range of physical opportunities for children through a variety of experiences. When children are engaged in physical play, they are developing reflexes, movement control, developing fine and gross motor skills and increasing flexibility and balancing skills.
Yoga and Meditation are regular experiences that children engage in alongside staff.
Screens are used to enhance curriculum activities and never used as a substitution for interactions and collaborative learning between staff and children.
Healthy Eating
Our service does not provide meals except for our breakfast program and fruit being available to children when they require an extra top up. Families pack healthy lunchboxes for morning tea and lunch to be enjoyed throughout the day.
Mealtimes are viewed as a time for interactions and social exchanges with healthy eating habits being modelled by staff.
Breakfast program
We offer a breakfast program for all children attending the preschool each morning they attend. This provides children with a choice of toast, cereal or fruit for children to choose from. On occasion the children may be involved in cooking a breakfast to share with peers.
Throughout the service their are a variety of gardens including vegetable, herbs and fruit, which their children tend. These gardens provide a variety of cooking opportunities for the children and encourage them to experiment with new foods.
We welcome breastfeeding and recognise the health benefits for continued breastfeeding. Therefore, we have comfortable areas available, where mothers can breastfeed their child or express milk.