Our Philosophy
Gilgandra Preschool fosters the value of being, belonging and becoming. We demonstrate this through…..
The belief that the Early years are the foundation of learning and development and integral in children’s skills they acquire for lifelong success. Through respective research, we believe that play shapes the structural design of the brain. Play provides active exploration that assists in building and strengthening brain pathways. Additionally, play creates a brain that has increased ‘flexibility and improved potential for learning later in life’
We acknowledge that there are many types of play with equal value each having different outcomes. These include but are not limited to
- Physical, Risky, Rough and Tumble play
- Structured and Object play
- Unstructured and Symbolic play
- Dramatic, Imaginative, Social and Creative play
- Media play and Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (S.T.E.M)
- Sensory and Messy play
- Loose Parts play
Therefore, we value the concept of process verses product with children’s voices being prominent within our documentation and practices.
At Gilgandra Preschool the environment is seen as a fundamental component and perceived as a ‘third teacher’. This involves internally (inside), externally (outside playground) and beyond (the wider community outside our gates). Further to this, we emphasis the connection to the natural world and the land which we reside on.
We value emotional and social wellbeing so children can develop to their fullest potential benefitting them throughout their lives.
Developing respectful and secure relationships with children is important for overall learning and development. These relationships are further formed through connections with families and the community. We value the vital roles of families as the first Educator in their children’s lives and aim to assist in working alongside them.
We are committed to a holistic approach to child safety across all aspects of Gilgandra Preschool.
We value that Gilgandra has a culturally diverse demographic and believe the importance of children being exposed to a vast array of cultures in addition to the difference and similarity within cultures.
Through our obtained and expanding knowledge, we believe there is a lack of understanding in relation to nutrition and healthy practices throughout Australia. Therefore, we strive to educate and embed a culture of nutritional insight to children, families and the community through our practices and is reflective throughout our program. We value physical play over the use of screen time which is only used for educational purposes.
We respect and value each staff member as an individual who all contribute their own qualities. Early childhood is an evolving industry and therefore we value the importance of ongoing professional development for each of our staff.
Gilgandra Preschool values the importance of Early Intervention services and through programs provided at the preschool, we strive to ensure every child accesses the services they require while working closely alongside providers to ensure that this is possible. We acknowledge the significance of all intervention services and make every effort to form holistic relationships while being ambassadors for each child ensuring they receive the best intervention to meet their needs. Further, we identify that each child is uniquely individual, requiring different strategies, tactics, approaches and teaching to best cater for each child.